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Deltamethrin 2.5% EC, SC
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Deltamethrin 2.5% EC, SC

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  • Deltamethrin 2.5% EC, SC

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Deltamethrin 2.5% EC, SC

Deltamethrin 2.5% EC, SC

China basic Deltamethrin 2.5% EC/SC manufacturer exporter and Supplier

Deltamethrin 2.5% EC/SC

Deltamethrin 2.5% EC/SC. Deltamethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide that kills insects on contact and through digestion.
Deltamethrin is a pyrethroid Insecticide that kills insects on contact and through digestion.
Deltamethrin is used to control apple and pear suckers, plum fruit moth, caterpillars on brassicas, pea moth, aphids (apples, plums, hops), winter moth (apples and plums), codling and tortrix moths (apples).
Deltamethrin can control aphids, mealy bugs, scale insects, and whitefly on glasshouse cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, potted plants, and ornamentals.

Deltamethrin also controls numerous insect pests of field crops. Formulations include emulsifiable concentrates, wettable powders, ULV and flowable formulations and granules.

A.I. content
2.5%, Min.
0.3%, Max.
Deep green homogenous liquid, free from visible matter or sediment

There are no known incompatibilities with other common Insecticides and Fungicides .
Deltamethrin is a synthetic Insecticide based structurally on natural pyrethrins, which rapidly paralyze the insect nervous system giving a quick knockdown effect.
Deltamethrin has a rapidly disabling effect on feeding insects and for this reason there is hope that it may be useful to control the vectors of "non-persistent" viruses (viruses that can be passed on by the vector within a few minutes of starting to feed on the plant) .
Deltamethrin’s mode of action is thought to be mainly central in action, or at least originate in higher nerve centers of the brain. Death of insects seems to be due to irreversible damage to the nervous system occurring when poisoning lasts more than a few hours. Deltamethrin poisoning occurs through cuticular penetration or oral uptake. The susceptibility of insects is dependent on a variety of factors and can vary, as with many Insecticides, according to the environmental conditions. Flies are most susceptible to pyrethroid poisoning shortly before dawn. The LD50 drops by the factor of 2 as compared to full daylight activity .

Many pyrethroids are not very active against cattle ticks, but some alpha cyano compounds (of which Deltamethrin is one) have higher activity than organophosphates or amidines, the former standard compounds for this purpose.
Deltamethrin has very good residual activity for outdoor uses (field crops, cattle dip, tsetse) and for indoor uses (mosquitoes, stable flies, horsefiles, fleas, cockroaches, stored product insects) .
Deltamethrin has very broad spectrum control.
Deltamethrin is considered the most powerful of the synthetic pyrethroids.
Deltamethrin is up to three orders more active than some pyrethroids.

Azoxystrobin 95% TC,25% SC,12.5% SC,250G/L SC,125G/L SC broad spectrum preventative fungicide Azoxystrobin 95% TC,25% SC,12.5% SC,250G/L SC,125G/L SC broad spectrum preventative fungicide

Azoxystrobin 95% TC,25% SC,12.5% SC,250G/L SC,125G/L SC broad spectrum preventative fungicide

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